
My Thoughts on the Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel, if that is his real name, was a genius. If I had invented one of the most destructive weapons known to man, I don't think I would have had the foresight to set up a humanitarian award to completely change my legacy. But Nobel did just that. And it worked...or so it seemed. Here's why I think the Novel Prize is a fraud!

The Nobel Prizes for Chemistry and Physics: What's the difference? And what's the big deal? Sure, there's probably been some important things done in this field, but do they really deserve a gold medal, a bunch of money, and a diploma? Maybe.

The Nobel Prize for Medicine: Honestly, I hadn't heard about this one until I started writing this thing. It seems good enough, like it really promotes people who are improving lives. But they only give it to the researchers. One guy got one for something with a respiratory enzyme. Who cares? Nobody even knows what that's for. What about the doctors who are actually saving lives? What about M.A.S.H? Where's Hawkeye's Nobel Prize?

The Nobel Prize for Literature: This one I have no problems with. Except that they gave it to Harold Pinter. Hey Nobel Prize Committee, you already gave Beckett the prize.

The Nobel Prize for Economics: So much wrong with this one. The Committee started it in 1968, 72 years after Nobel died and 64 years after the Prize began. I'm pretty sure economics were not in the original conception. Also, there are just enough economics people in the world that I bet everyone gets a Nobel Prize sooner or later. I wouldn't be surprised if this prize was started by a secret economics society. Like those Hasidics in Pi.

The Nobel Peace Prize: How did Theodore Roosevelt win this? In nearly all other cases, I approve.


j said...

You approve of Arafat winning the peace prize?

Unspar! said...

He reformed...sort of.

I said "nearly all." I think there was another one that I thought was dumb, too. Oh yeah. Henry Kissinger.