
On My Soon-To-Be-Amputated Leg

I keep my cell phone in my left pocket at all times (except when I'm sleeping), and it's beginning to take it's toll. The radiation is getting to me. In about 10-15 years, I'll probably have a tumor and have to lose the leg. So I want to get used to it now while I still can. That's why I'm going to the doctor's in two weeks to get it removed. I'll have a week off for physical therapy, and in about a month, I should be back to peak condition. Of course, I won't be able to play soccer as well as I used to, but I feel like I'd be better off leaving my promising soccer career behind for the sake of my future health and well-being. You guys are all welcome to visit me in the hospital, and I'd really appreciate it if you signed my prosthetic limb. It's like a cast, only creepier.


Anonymous said...

That's funny because I also worry about my cell phone's effect on my leg. I usually have it set to vibrate, but now my leg randomly starts to tingle such that I think my phone is vibrating, when it's actually just my muscles vibrating on their own.

-Dan W

Anonymous said...

Physical Therapy? I'm offended you did not ask me.