
On What May Be the Worst Movie I've Ever Seen

The Fog, 2005.

John Carpenter is in that special class of directors that made a few awe-inspiring movies before making nothing but crap for the last 20-30 years of their careers. See also Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas.

John Carpenter did not direct this remake of his own movie, but he produced, and putting your stamp of approval on such an abyssmal piece of work is almost worse than creating it (see FFC's involvement in Jeepers Creepers and Jeepers Creepers 2). If you create it, at least people can say that you tried and failed. If you produce, all people will think is that you saw this disastrous failure and decided you wanted to be a part of it. You let it drag you down.

So The Fog is not only not scary--that's OK, I'm used to horror movies not being scary anymore--but it's also one of the most anticlimactic anythings I've ever witnessed. While the killing has no point, you can at least follow it through to the end...until the ghost decides to take a wife and return to the sea without reason. I'll admit that it's an interesting concept though: ghost terrorizes town for revenge, forsakes revenge for woman, rests quietly in watery grave. I guess I can't fault John Carpenter cuz I definitely would have produced that movie too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The original Fog is really good. Just getting the word out.

The more you know...

Financial Panther