
On My Blog Title

In this blog's short history, I've gotten not a single question about the title. It's a little bit surprising that everybody thinks they understand what the right- or left-handed nature of garbage and recycling is all about. Because they probably don't.

Here's the story behind it. When my brother and I were younger, we had to take out the garbage and recycling every Tuesday or Wednesday night so it would be picked up the next morning. He used to get confused about which would go on which side of the driveway. So one day I told him this mnemonic device I'd developed to remember which goes on which side. It's garbage: left, recycling: right. Not mnemonic at all, really. So we laughed a bit, and now both of us will never forget. He told me recently he still thinks of that when he takes them out.

So that's what this blog means to me. It's a way to remember things. I guess. And I think it's funny.

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