
Birthday Beginning

I woke up this morning and thought that the best birthday present I could give myself would be calling in sick and playing Guitar Hero all day. Unfortunately, though, I knew that would be slothful, and I only allow myself one deadly sin per week (this week's was gluttony because I had a hot dog at a basketball game). I also figured I would miss out on a lot of birthday messages.

My first message of the day was a singing voicemail. It may be the most bizarre birthday message I've ever received--not because of the singing, though I don't often get a singing message, but because there was bad reception so it sounded really choppy, and I could not tell who was singing. I have come up with a list of suspects.

Hayley (my sister)
or Jeremy Enigk

If it was you, please tell me. I refuse to let this mystery remain unsolved.


Anonymous said...

It was me.


Anonymous said...

He lies. It was us.

Jon said...

Don't you have caller id?