
Birthday History

My birthday has a much darker history than I expected. I'm sure history doesn't record a lot of the really happy things that happen every day, but still, mine our pretty bad.

Feb 8, 1587 - Mary, Queen of Scots is exectued for involvement in a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth I.

Feb 8, 1692 - Some doctor declares that three girls are under the dominion of Satan, thus beginning the Salem Witch trials.

Feb 8, 1887 - The Dawes Act is passed, allowing for the formation of reservations for Native Americans while simultanouesly outlawing unsweetened chocolate.

Feb 8, 1915 - The Birth of a Nation, one of the most racist films ever made, premiers, followed immediately by the KKK's conquest of Los Angeles.

Feb 8, 1963 - The U.S. embargo against trade with and travel to Cuba begins. Communism flourishes.

Feb 8, 1968 - Three civil rights protesters are killed outside a white-only bowling alley by the South Carolina Highway Patrol.

And now this year, Feb 8, 2007 - "Sam Calvert Cries In Science." Though it may not be there anymore, it was for really posted on the ever-trustworthy Wikipedia. As far as I can tell, Sam Calvert is an attorney in St. Cloud, MN. I can't find any reason why science made him cry.


Jes GIlman said...

Don't forget about emperor Constantius.

Sam Calvert said...

I am an attorney, and don't really know enough about science to cry. There is a Sam Calvert who is at a University in Australia, I believe. He probably knows a lot about science.
Sam Calvert, St. Cloud MN