
The Food of Love

I'm tired of rock music. It no longer thrills me. So today on the drive to work I listened to classical. In case you didn't know it, Beethoven rules. Actually, he rulz. I mean RULZ. And so you know I'm not a total poseur ("I like classical because I like Beethoven, blah blah blah"), I'm planning on listening to Rimsky-Korsakov on the way home.

A note for those of you who want to buy me things for no reason: buy me some Debussy.

An observation made while listening to classical music: I find it ironic that the most beautiful music is made (for the most part) by Germans and Russians. And if you're sensitive to cultural stereotypes, translate "ironic" as "interesting."


Jes GIlman said...

You are right Ben! Classical music rocks! And it's difficult to play.

By the way, I am now updating my blog regularily again. I'll also purposly put a bunch of speling misteaks in so you have something to do, by proofreading my entries.

Jes GIlman said...

Missed the German part in there. Maybe sometime I'll play you a few of the Klangbild's (Sound picture for those who spricht keine Deutsch) they are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I guess since you're sick of rock music, you must be getting really into Coldplay.

Financial Panther

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with classical music since I have not gotten sick of rock...

I had no idea what a Yaris was until just now when I saw my first commercial for one.

Actually, after having seen the commercial, I still don't know what it is.