
Cave Adventure

Ben is wandering through a cave with a torch.

BEN: Wow, this cave is dark. Thank goodness for this torch.

Dracula suddenly appears.

DRACULA: Bleh! What are you doing in my cave?
BEN: I was driving along, and I saw this cave, so I figured I'd check it out.
DRACULA: OK, that makes sense, I suppose.... Then where did you get that torch?
BEN: From the guy selling torches back there.
DRACULA: I see. ... Perhaps I shall suck his blood.
BEN: Um...he said he didn't have any.
DRACULA: Any blood?
BEN: Yeah, that's right.
DRACULA: Did he say where it went?
BEN: Not really, no.
DRACULA: Hmm...is there something you're not telling me?
BEN: Uh....
DRACULA: You didn't take it, did you?
BEN: No, um, I think he said it went on vacation.
BEN: Yeah, sorry.
DRACULA: Are you sure he said "vacation" and not "train station"?
BEN: Moderately sure. I guess you could go down to the train station and check.
DRACULA: No, it would probably be gone by the time I got there.
BEN: Yes, the trains do run promptly in this country.
DRACULA: That's very true. Our public works system is quite admirable.
BEN: See, at least you got that, right?
DRACULA: You're right. Though I would prefer blood.
BEN: You can have my torch if you want.
DRACULA: Why, thank you!

1 comment:

al said...

He got played!

Joe, why don't you comment on my blog? Don't you like my friendship anymore?
