
Major Life Event Summary

It's been an uncharacteristically long time since you guys have had anything to read here. I'm not sorry. There's been a lot going on, and I haven't had time to satisfy your ravenous hunger for "words." Here's that which has been keeping me busy to tide you guys over for the meantime.

1. I'm not joining the Peace Corps. I've done a lot of thinking and praying about it, and I feel like I belong here more. I learned to appreciate all my friends and everything here, and I'm starting to realize how much they appreciate me (thanks guys!), so it's more important for me to stay and be a part of their lives. And also I feel compelled to get more involved in the church. And all of these are kind of at odds with being out of the country for two years.

2. Jeopardy tournament of champions. I'm in it. It's been an enormous committment from filming the show to studying to putting up with Alex's constant whining. Interesting fact, though. They don't actually have that question board on the set. It's blue-screened in. They just have a chalkboard. Like when you played Jeopardy in elementary school.

3. [Secret]

4. Superpowers. I just discovered a couple nights ago that I can fly and lift really heavy things. So I've been experimenting with that, seeing what I can do, what friends I can play pranks on. Haven't actually gotten to the pranks part yet, but I've got a few good ideas. Does juggling buses count as a prank?

5. Not eating. For the past two-three days, I've only had enough food to count for about two meals. If that. So, to set your concerns at bay, I AM NOT ANOREXIC. I'm just a little sick. Or so it would seem. Also, I DO NOT KNOW IF I SPELLED ANOREXIC CORRECTLY.

6. New dog. I got a dog. Its name is not Seattle, though I've always wanted to name my dog Seattle. It's an Irish Setter puppy (I only buy Irish), and I'm calling it Murphy after the "whatever can go wrong will go wrong" guy.

Note: Only the odd numbered ones are true.


christinesfakeblog said...

I know what 3 is!


Nicole said...

There were enough spaces between #6 and the last sentence to let me get really excited about your "Irish setter puppy." It's mean to get a girl's hopes (of a cute dog) up.

Anonymous said...

It's true, we do need you in America. Desperately.

I also will claim to know what #3 is, though my vow to secrecy and this laser dot on my forehead prevent me from spilling any beans.

Unspar! said...

Geez, some secret if two-thirds of commenters already know what it is.

mrs. r said...

I'm very happy to hear that you're not joining the peace corps, because that means that we can continue our quarterly conversation quota, I've started looking forward to them. =)
But I'm also happy to have you serving in our church, it's very good to know that we have quality people helping out!!

And also, I think I know what #3 is too!

j said...

I also know #3.

Check out Ken Jenning's blog - linked on my site. Too funny Jeopardy wit at times.

christinesfakeblog said...

Even I am surprised that SO many people know about #3.

At least one of a handful of people suck at secrets.


Jes GIlman said...

wait...so you don't have superpowers?

Anonymous said...

Do I know what #3 is? -s.a.s.

Unspar! said...

OK, I'm pretty sure #3 is not the secret everyone thinks it is because that thing is clearly not secret at all.

al said...

What's #3? I thought it was pee and poop at the same time.