
Everybody's Irish

I am just about fed up with everybody thinking they're Irish. While it's true that nearly everyone is part-Irish, not everyone should claim that as part of their descent. The thing about the Irish is that they are America. Saying you're part Irish is like saying you're American. Big deal. So is everybody else who lives here. In my pompous and self-serving opinion, you should only claim Irishness if you've got 33% or more of the blood of the Liffey in ya.

But now I wonder...are the Irish really that big of sluts to get their genes into the population of the entire country? Maybe so, and I think it's impressive. Ranks up there with mankind's greatest achievements. The Rennaissance, the Theory of Relativity, the Seeding of the Irish in America. Go Ireland!

1 comment:

mrs. r said...

So, can I claim actual, honest to goodness Irish heritage if I actually have family there, or is that still lame?