
Grab Bag

Here are some things I've wanted to talk about for a while but haven't been long-winded enough to spin a whole post about.

1. I feel really awkward carrying a package of toilet paper to my car from the Eden Prairie mall. The rich people look at you like they don't have to wipe anything ever. Maybe they have bidets.

2. I also feel really awkward looking at skin care products that I don't understand. I felt a little less awkward than usual this time because there were a couple guys browsing them with me. I wanted to put my arms around them and have a bonding moment over our cluelessness.

3. No matter how excited I am about Justin Timberlake's new album, I cannot get over the terrible title. FutureSex? That's so...uncreative. He was off to a good start with Justified--what an awesome pun--and now this. Maybe he figures we'll all buy it no matter what. Well, he's right. As long as it's got those delicious beats, it could be called I Love Hitler and I'd still buy four.


Unspar! said...

Two minutes short of a three-peat! Oh well. This one's still for you, Miz.

al said...

I had NO idea it was spelled bidets.
