
They Tore Down the Berlin Wall; or, Freedom! Horrible, Horrible Freedom!

Yesterday the mechanism that blocks all the fun websites at work finally crashed. Suddenly we have access to web-based email, fantasy sports, online games, uncensored news, western music, and the truth. I'd cry tears of joy if years of soul-crushing corporate domination hadn't robbed me of the ability to feel.

But it's strange. Now that I have access to all this stuff, I almost don't want to use it. Partly because of the deeply ingrained fear of the higher-ups who might discover my illegal internet use, partly because I've been trained so long not to use it that using it doesn't even feel like an option. It's like when you release all the people from the mental institution, and the outside world is so foreign to them that they prefer to stay inside the walls. It's exactly like that.

Anyways, the point of all this is that I'll be on that gmail chat thing more often now.

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