
Everybody Loves Me

I just got back from my mid-year review with my boss, and apparently everybody in this company loves me. I'm just as surprised as you. It's a good feeling, but I'm also a little torn. I mean, it's not like I care about this company (something my boss acknowledged and even encouraged in our meeting), so I don't really care what they think, but hearing things like that makes me want to stay here forever. Or at least another six months.

Also, there's this girl who likes me, and we're together now. So there's that too. It's pretty awesome.


christinesfakeblog said...



mrs. r said...

Yay Ben! I love you too, but only in a very "we'll talk every couple months" sort of a way. But I'm very excited for you and your girl...

Anonymous said...

This sums up my feelings pretty well.

Seriously, Lando sends his most heartfelt congratulations.

Maren said...

cool news, you two!

al said...

A girl, eh? I hear they're usually awesome and fashionable.
