
Happy Bastille Day!

Ah, there's no day as cherished as July the 14th, the day the French finally shook of the shackles of aristocratic tyranny and...um...put on the shackles of middle class idealistic tyranny and daily executions? That doesn't seem like that great of a celebration.

Actually, French history is pretty much nothing but smattering of blood. You've got the violent riot of Bastille Day, then you've got the Reign of Terror, and then there's the Napoleonic era, which is of course characterized by war and death. There were probably a few years of moderate peace between those things, but overall I don't think the French Revolution is anything to be happy about. I mean, sure, equality, fraternity, and that one other thing, but I assume those things would have been just as good without the guillotine. But I'm not French; I can't say for sure.

1 comment:

Unspar! said...

A tower? Or did you mean towel?