
Pennies from Heaven

Here at Cigna, we've had a penny in one of our urinals for the last month or so. Until today, I didn't get it. I just thought a penny fell out of some idiot's pocket while he was peeing. I also thought that an idiot was playing with pennies as he peed, and maybe the penny got slippery and he dropped it. But today, I realized it was a joke. A dada inside-joke, as it were.

Fountain by Marcel Duchamp, 1917
This particular "work of art" is called Fountain. And that's why a penny in a urinal is a joke.


Anonymous said...

I thought it might have been there to make you aim in the right direction.



Anonymous said...

I thought you weren't going to mention where you work anymore.

Unspar! said...

You're right, anonymous. So I suggest you take this one of two ways:

1. It was a joke?
2. I'm stupid.

They're equally valid.