
The King is Dead; Long Live the King

I'm quitting facebook.

Many great people have quit facebook before me. Dave, Chad, Will, and maybe some others. Did Christine quit? Now my time has come. My reasons, however, are unique. Everybody else quit facebook because it was "stupid" or "distracting," but it is neither of those things to me. It's now become a nuissance with the constant emails about being invited to join new groups. It's also too artificial. Facebook communication/connection is far from real. So I'm done.

What will happen to Flipper and Babar? These magnificent creations will also have their profiles retired. Perhaps I'll enshrine them in a museum or archive of some sort. But that seems much too difficult to bother with.

I would hereby like to thank everyone for making these last two years-or-so the best that facebook has ever seen. While the master must concede his throne, there will surely be another to rise and take his place.


al said...

Ben, facebook-free is the way to be. But I LOVE ME SOME BLOG.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm too busy being the king of Livejournal.


christinesfakeblog said...

I officially haven't quit facebook - I still enjoy the photo albums...but I feel unaffected by your leaving. Also unaffected by Flipper leaving. Blogs are all that really matter.


Unspar! said...

That's what I think. LONG LIVE THE BLOG!

Anonymous said...

Ben, I'm so proud of you.

Also, while the profiles of Flipper and Babar were absolutely brilliant, it's nothing that can't be salvaged via blogs. Alter-ego blogs... brilliant.

Also... for the word verification, do they just take out the vowels in words or phrases? If so, this time it was "Yom Kippur". Without the 'm'.