
Peach vs. Nectarine

Will someone please explain to me what the difference between these fruits is? I'm about to get back into the fresh fruit industry, and I want to know what I'm getting into. I like nectarines, and I like peaches, but I can't differentiate. Ah, fresh fruit despair. Maybe I'll just end up with a bowl full of raisins.


mrs. r said...

well Ben, peaches are fuzzy, nectarines are not. I personally prefer peaches over nectarines, but I really couldn't tell you why. Habit, maybe?
That's all I know...are you coming to Jodi's tomorrow?

Unspar! said...

No Jodi's, I'm afraid. I'm a sucker for the hometown extravaganza, hometown being Richfield.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I hope I see you there! Keep an eye out for Mike, I'll certainly be close by (or he'll at least know where to find me).

As for peaches, I also was going to say they're fuzzy, but I think you should try the Saturn peach (I've also seen it labled UFO peach). I haven't had one yet, but they're really freaking cute! I think they may also be without that giant pokey pit.

Yum, peaches.