
Welcome To August

In celebration of August Day, the day on which we celebrate the month of August, I've decided to throw a blog party. Everybody's invited! And bring your friends!

We'll have punch. And a petting zoo. With goats. Man, I love goats. And there'll be one of those bouncy rooms. You know what I'm talking about. Or maybe we'll just get a trampoline. Then we could put the goats on the trampoline. That would be awesome. Oh, and we'll definitely have some clowns. I'll tell them to bring their invisible dog, too.

To top it all off, though, there must be the traditional August Day mushroom toss.

Champion mushroom tosser in traditional August Day garb
Happy August Day, everybody!


christinesfakeblog said...

Is this party being thrown in the blogosphere?


Unspar! said...

Yeah, sure. Cuz there's no way I could get my hands on that many mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

There's a party in my pants, and you're not invited!